There are several issues regarding the recording and collecting of screening data. The topics below are important when establishing a screen for the first time and/or when a new person begins conducting some of the assessments in the screen.
Unit of Measure
Because of the wide spread use of the DWP, a great deal of effort has been made to make the screen as seamless and uniform as possible. Many PTs, ATCs, or other qualified screeners who are to conduct the orthopedic based assessments may prefer to use 'short-cuts' in data recording. For example, a screener may wish to simply record 'WNL' (Within Normal Limits) for an assessment that is considered 'normal'.
Most of the assessments
require numeric values to avoid miscommunications and/or misunderstandings regarding the definitions of 'normal', to be
used in the profiles for each dancer, and to aid research efforts.
In the ideal world there would be exact measurements for all testing assessments.
For example: goniometric measures would be used for all range of motion
However, this diligence can be very time consuming. The assessments are
utilized to help identify 'red flags' and at the same time collect reliable data that may be used for the dancer's profile as well as summary/research purposes. Highly skilled and qualified screeners may be able to provide accurate numeric values and only use equipment when encountering cases that may be considered atypical for the
general population or for a dancer. This issue is important to note when it comes to structural and flexibility/laxity assessments where degrees and inches/centimeters are collected.
Important A careful review of all
and what unit of measure is recorded is highly recommended before the commencement of a screen. Without the correct unit of measure recorded, the data cannot be entered into the website.
Station Arrangement
It is recommended that the use of 'stations' be used when conducting a screen. The station is a location where a group of
similar assessment(s) are done for each dancer. This organization allows for one screener to collect that set of data at that location. This arrangement may seem like a 'factory' approach, but it creates an efficient workflow. It is very possible for these stations to coexist within one large studio.
The arrangement of screening stations is very flexible and over time many affiliates devise their own ways of organizing
for efficiency. Often times the arrangement of these stations is determined by available staffing
and location.
NOTE: It is recommended that the special tests, strength, flexibility, and structural stations be carefully reviewed by the qualified
screeners before commencing with the screen. The assessments for these portions of the screens were designed to group the tests by type and orientation that the subject is in when the data is collected. For example, all the strength assessments done while the subject is in the sitting position are grouped together. If the strength and structural or flexibility assessments are conducted at the same station, then the subject will have to change positions several times.