

This section introduces the reporting process of the Dancer Wellness program using data for a fictious dancer named 'Jane Doe'.

One of the key features of this Dancer Wellness Project website is it's ability to create an individualized profile from screening and questionaire data collection. A dancer who has been granted login access, may access this information at any time. Where applicable, suggested course(s) of action may be presented with some video clips of the exercise are presented.

There are several sections with a great deal of information, analysis, and recommendations available for each dancer however, only a small sample of these are provided with this example.

The dancer's profile is grouped into different categories. Use the links in the profile menu on the left to access the different groups.

From the dancer point of view, a unique feature of the analysis aspect of this program is the connection of physical screening data with technique.

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  • Collected Data
  • Date Information
  • Calculated or Descriptive
  • Recommendation or Evaluation

View tutorial of a sample profile
